International Speech Contest Preparation
Last week, we prepared ourselves for International Speech Contest. It was very special because we had Dinesh Vashwani, a District Champion, to educate us about how to be good in delivering a speech and tips to prepare for the contest. But before the eduspeech, we had the prepared speech session "Magic Words" by Risman Risman delivered his first speech, titled “Magic Words”. It’s very interesting because he said he’s a full time Dad, and a part time employee in Ministry of Finance. He really respects one of his bosses, regarding him as his idol. When he searched more about the boss’s education, he found out that the boss is a member of a mysterious organization called “Toastmasters”. So that’s why Risman became a member of our club. Risman wants more challenge and keeps rising his goals. He is a very idealist and just person. He wants Indonesia to have a clean government, that’s why he wants to learn Public Policy Making as his Master Degree. There’s one...