Living In Diversity

Our meeting this week was conduct at 31 May, 2017. Themed: Living in Diversity. The Word of the Day was Conform. This theme was chosen because many Toastmasters members in Jakarta .......... The Toastmasters of the Meeting was TM Lia. Generle Evaluator was TM. Septi and the timer was TM Mega. Gramarian was TM. Sindy, ah counter was TM. Ihsan and the Ballot Counter was TM. Imam. The Table Topics Master was TM Lia, who gave questions related Living in Diversity in Indonesia. 1. We have three prepared speakers. First was TM Lia, Advance Manual #5 with the title was The Abstractn Concept. Her speech was evaluated by TM. Mega. Second was TM Imam, Basic Manual #9 with the title was.... His speech was evaluated by TM. Ihsan from British TC. And the last but not least was TM. Erwin, Advance Manual #... with the title was... His speech was evaluated by TM. Lia. The winner of Table Topics is TM. Lineola ...