
Showing posts from July, 2013

Race to the Finish Line

The last of our contest preparation meeting was themed “Race to the Finish Line”, in which we had several interesting speeches, a fabulous educational speech, and the final practice for evaluation. Ikhwan delivered his BM7 last week, speaking about “Polyglot”. Polyglot is a multi-linguist, or someone who can speak several languages. He said that being a polyglot has many benefits. Better learning abilities, avoids Alzheimer, and also makes the polyglot become the citizen of the world, not just of one country, for he/she is able to understand the languages of many countries. Suraj gave a really entertaining BM3 about his life as an Indonesian-Indian. Describing the funny things he experienced, making the whole room laughed hysterically to his humor. It was a very entertaining speech! Ikuyo-san before her speech. Ikuyo-san performed his AM in which she played a role of a Kumon area manager with Lia as the owner of a Kumon class. She did an interview, asked for ...

The Jokers Night

Our second meeting of contest preparation series was themed “The Joker’s Night”. Erwin as TOM Last Wednesday, we tried to strengthen our resolve to join and participate in the contest. The word “contest” is always a bit scary isn’t it? Sometimes we doubt that we’re good enough to join one, believing we’re not amazing enough to be a part of it. We tried to manage the anxiety about this preconception that night. First, though, we enjoyed speeches from the prepared: TM Iwan delivered his BM6, doing lots of characterizations in a speech. He told about the good defeating the bad, always. He gave his trademarked kung fu moves to color his speech, with lots of fighting sound effects. It felt like watching a Hong Kong action movie ^____^ TM Ikhwan also delivered his BM6, connecting the movie of Superman: Man of Steel to us all. “We are all heroes inside ourselves” was his message. That’s why, we must persevere in all trials and dig deep inside, the stren...

Build Your Confidence!!!

Kicking up July in high spirit, we motivators started the month with contest preparations! The menu for the night. Our contest of Humorous Speech and Evaluation is scheduled for July 24 th , 2013. To prepare it, we set practice sessions the whole month. The theme on July 3 rd was “Building Confidence”, as confidence is one of the most important modals to be a champion. Prawsident as TOM The table topic questions were about how to be more confident, led by Ikhwan and participated by Muqsith, Tantia, and Arief. Ikhwan as TTM and Arief as Table Topic participant. Muqsith participating in the Table Topic. Following the theme, Christina delivered her BM2, telling a story about her friend from high school, who was insulted repeatedly by their teacher, often being called “stupid” at class. She used the experience as a motivation and worked harder to be a better person. The result? She’s working at the Australian Embassy now ^____^ Christina’s message is to ...