Recap Meeting July 7th, 2021: Reignite The Spark!

"Remember why you started, remember where you’re headed, think of how great it will be to get there, and keep going."
- Ralph Marston -

Have you ever lost interest in something that you used to do passionately? You are sure about its importance, but you are not excited anymore. You can reignite the spark!

In this first week of July 2021, Jakarta Motivator Toastmasters Club had the first regular online meeting with the new executive committees. Yeah, we tried to reignite the spark!

The meeting was opened by the new president, TM Hansel. Although he had some trouble connection issues, he tried to welcome our guests and visit toastmaster members before handing it to our Toastmasters of the Meeting (TOM), TM Melisa.

As a TOM, TM Melisa explained her role and introduced Madam General Evaluator TM Redika and her team. After all,  the first session, which was Prepare Speech Session was begun.

For tonight, we only had one prepared speaker, TM Hans, who delivered his speech for his pathways Leadership Development Level 4 Project 2 Question and Answer. The title is In Pursuit of Being Expert-Generalist.

 In his speech, he explained the transition from being a specialist to be a expert generalist.

As a musician, he gave a concrete example by using some instrument. He shared with us about his journey, when he started to play his first instrument, how, and the process that he has been doing until now as a general specialist.

Because his project was QnA session, so he got question from TM Alven who asked about how to implement this concept in various industries. So interesting to know that! How TM Hans answered this question? You can watch our meeting on YouTube by click here!

After that, we had a special Education Speech from TM Imam Prabowo about Startup Career & Culture 101.

Yes, when Indonesia goes to Industry 4.0, there are a lot of startup industries. So many opportunities and excitements from millennial and young generation to join to startup. But how to do it? And what requirements and benefits after we join in startup? He explain very detail!

In toastmasters, it feels like uncomplete if we don't have Table Topic Session that will be led by Table Topic Masters for tonight, TM Uyun from SCBD Toastmasters Club.

TM Uyun brought another excitement by preparing a lot of topics! She also encouraged our guests to challenge themselves by participating in this session.

Example Soon to be TM Nadira. She was very brave, even though it was her first time to join toastmasters meeting, but she didn't hesitate to share her opinion about her goals and how to reach it.

Ah! There was another guest STM Feby who delivered her first speech in Table Topic Session. She responded TM Uyun's question about team collaboration. With a comprehensive example, STM Nadira shared her experiences with her team members, how she divide the works.

Besides of our guests, the other toastmasters members also wouldn't skip this change to deliver their speeches. They were TM Miftah, TM Alven, TM Galvin, TM Dentia, TM Prawira, and TM Imam. They delivered great speeches according to each question that they got from our TTM.

Every speech was very unique and sharp (we could say). Example from TM Galvin when he told us how he solved a conflict at work. He said we need to be a proper mediator and be fair to hear from both party.

And also TM Prawira who was be the winner for this session. He made a joke about bad luck in relationship. Yeah love can be hard (although it's always interesting), no doubt his speech won the audience's hearts. LOL!

Before we closed the meeting, we had evaluation session that was led by GE, TM Redika and her team rangers. First, personal evaluation. TM Hanif from UI Toastmasters evaluated TM Hans's performance. From his perspective, TM Has had a great structure speech but he suggested him to give clearer examples, especially when the idea wasn't familiar to audiences.

And the next was evaluation by role takers. Every role takers reported to GE and audiences about each speakers performance, such as how many time they mention filler words and word of the day and their grammar mistakes. As a grammarian, TM Alven reminded us to pay attention more when we use singular and plural for simple present tense, conditional clause and explore our vocabularies. Simple but stabbed our hearts like we often did it! But that was very okay, Grammarian role in toastmasters is not for dragging us down but motivate us.

Overall, we really reignited the spark! There were so many sparkling moments and excitement atmosphere that we spread. As always, this toastmasters, the positive place for us growing and learning how to be a leader.

Let's meet in our next meeting on July 21st, 2021. Please call our VP Public Relation Nur for more information or click in here to get the invitation. See you!

Want to watch our excitements in this meeting? You can watch it on our YouTube Channel Jakarta Motivator Toastmasters and don't forget to subscribe!


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