
Showing posts from August, 2013

Diversity is Our Attraction!

Still in August, our theme last week was “Independence Day: Diversity”. TTM Kelvin gave questions about Diversity to three guests: Taufan, Zuldesh, Widya, and our member, Christina. Our guests last week. Zuldesh as Table Topic Speaker. Christina participating in Table Topic. The prepared speeches were all very interesting, taught us something, and very memorable. Partricia opened the session by telling about her experience in Australia, which, she said, was all about taking a courageous leap of faith. After graduating high school, she and her mother went to Australia to enroll at a university. Her family didn’t have much money, and definitely not enough to fund her education there, but her mother said, “Just do what you can, and the rest will be taken care of, if God is willing”. So she took the examination and was accepted into a good university. The wait for the departure date was anxious because she knew there was not enough money for her to go...

Be That Amazing Leader!

Some routines better stay in our lives, for without it, we would be lost. Just like Motivators meeting, right? Two weeks without it feels a bit empty and boring. To overcome it, we restart after Lebaran holiday with a bang! Praw as the TOM We just celebrated the most important day in our nation’s history, which was also the theme for last week’s meeting; “Independence Day”. The word of the day was “Leader”, used in the table topic session led by Iwan, where Tantia, Ilham (first time guest), and Tenny (Visiting TM from Excellence) joined. The questions were about the best leader in their lives and the characters a leader should have. Our first speaker was our latest member, Cynthia, who delivered her BM1. Yes, she was nervous. Yes, she struggled. But her effort and sincerity touched our heart. And honestly, it made us flash backed to that time when we delivered our first BM1 and we also shook on our feet. Cynthia did a great job, sharing things about h...

Motivators' Humorous and Evaluation Speech Contest

Every contest preparation meetings were held to anticipate this one special night: the contest night. Break the Limits! After preparing ourselves for one month about evaluation and humorous speech, the time to practice what we learned finally came. On July 24th, 2013, Motivators had the contest night. Our headquarter were full with around 40 attendants, consisting of contestants, members, senior members, friends from other Toastmasters clubs who helped us as officers and judges, also guests. Our Contest Chair, Iwan, was reading the contest rules.  Seven members joined the evaluation contest. The sample speaker was Fathia, from Sandoz. Everyone observed Fathia's speech carefully, unwilling to waste the moment to use all the learning to the max. Fathia told about her experience working in London as a tourist guide, where she had many difficulties and challenges. Her way of delivering it was like how girls chatted on a night out with best friends, very engag...