Be That Amazing Leader!

Some routines better stay in our lives, for without it, we would be lost. Just like Motivators meeting, right? Two weeks without it feels a bit empty and boring. To overcome it, we restart after Lebaran holiday with a bang!

Praw as the TOM
We just celebrated the most important day in our nation’s history, which was also the theme for last week’s meeting; “Independence Day”. The word of the day was “Leader”, used in the table topic session led by Iwan, where Tantia, Ilham (first time guest), and Tenny (Visiting TM from Excellence) joined.

The questions were about the best leader in their lives and the characters a leader should have.

Our first speaker was our latest member, Cynthia, who delivered her BM1. Yes, she was nervous. Yes, she struggled. But her effort and sincerity touched our heart. And honestly, it made us flash backed to that time when we delivered our first BM1 and we also shook on our feet. Cynthia did a great job, sharing things about herself, someone who lived most of her life in Bogor then moving to Jakarta. She said she wants to try new things, to learn more, and to be a better version of herself. That’s why she joined Motivators. This kind of speech will forever be touching ^____^

The second speaker was Ayu, who delivered her BM2. She used power point slides to explain about “Globalization”. “Is it better to be the subject or object of globalization?” she asked.

She explained several factors that influenced Indonesia’s globalization that really added to our knowledge.
Our last speaker was none other than Tantia, who did her very first advanced manual in “Speaking through Video”. She gave a formal editorial that really felt Metro TV-ish, facing a camera (of her own Iphone). It’s really a unique manual that she chose, which undoubtedly needed courage. Delivering her speech would also be a lesson to all of us, familiarizing ourselves with this type of speech.

She reported about the current contest season, concluding it with the hope that all clubs and areas could make this as the chance to practice the “Together as One” motto. For though we came from different clubs and areas, we are still one as Toastmasters members.

The next session was the one that pulled many visiting Toasmasters and guests to our club last Wednesday. We had a guest from District 51, the District Governor, DTM Forza Meyya. He is one of the youngest DTM, because he achieved it when he was only 27. Isn’t it fantastic?

DTM Forza Meyya in action
In front of his audience.

A token of appreciation.
He delivered an Educational Speech about Leadership in Toastmasters.

As you know, there are two stairs to climb in Toastmasters. The journey to be a distinguished communicator, and to be a distinguished leader.

You’ll reach the first by finishing your speech manuals, and you’ll reach the second when you take the leadership step, starting from taking roles in your club’s weekly meeting, and in time to be the president, VPE or VPPR, then taking position in area, division, district, and finally the international.

Learning to be a good leader in Toastmasters will be good for your professional life too.

He mentioned several ways to achieve that are by being a good listener and to delegate tasks, like avoiding double or triple roles by one person in a weekly meeting. Give equal chance for everybody to grow.

It was a great speech, very easy to understand and easy to imply. Let’s use our time in Toastmasters by climbing both stairs. The distinguished communicator and the distinguished leader.

We can do it!

Lia evaluated Tantia.

Tantia evaluating Ayu.

Thomas as Ah Counter.

Lineola in a cute pose.

Prawsident, Table Topic and Prepared Speech winner (Tantia) , with Best Evaluator (Neeraj).

What's Fabulous tonight:

List of Speakers tonight:

1. Patricia
2. Inazyelia
3. Ikhwan
4. Erwin
5. Yoga
6. Tantia 
7. Ronald

List of Evaluators tonight:

1. Tantia
2. Ronald
3. Agi
4. Patricia
5. Ariel
6. Satriyo
7. Empty slot

TOM : Ikhwan
GE : Praw
TTM : Kelvin

We're open for role takers, just notify Excos if you're interested to help tonight. 
See you later at 6.30 PM!!!


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