Recap Meeting 12 Sep: Be A Role Model!

One of benefits by joining Toastmaster is having a mentor who supports your development. Last Wed an Experienced Mentor TM Prawira shared an edu speech "WHAT MAKE A GOOD MENTOR". His speech related to our theme, which was Be a Role Model.

The meeting was led by our first timer TOM, TM Agi, well done! Supported by TTM, TM Lies who delivered  a good topic for an impromptu speech. The meeting was evaluated by our GE, TM Bahtiar and his team. Our GE was a true baker since he roasted all the people in the meeting :D

Hereby The Recap meeting of Jakarta Motivator Toastmaster. In conclusion of our meeting, we call an action to all audience to strive to be a good role model for a better Indonesia.


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