Amazing Bali

The atmosphere of Halloween was still thick in Motivators last week, since Erwin, our representative at the area contest, delivered a very scary speech. 

He told a story of a boy who was asked by his mother to buy a liver so her mother could cook it for their dinner. But he couldn’t get the liver at the grocery. Afraid that his mother would be mad, he had an unbelievable idea. To take the liver of his uncle’s corpse that was buried not long before that.

He dug and took the liver, then came home to give it to his mother. The family ate it deliciously at dinner. But at night, the angry spirit of his uncle came and asked the boy to return his liver. 
Since it was eaten already, he asked for a fair trade. The boy’s own liver.

The child obviously died then sadly haunted his house, forever calling “Mommy…..mommy……”.

It was a very scary speech because Erwin prepared excellent sound effects to create the ambience. It’s like “Conjuring: audio version”. Honestly, it made me had to sleep with the lights on! That’s how good the speech was.

The second speech was from Tantia, who delivered her Advanced Manual about holding a press conference about a serious and sensitive announcement. She did it so well, making all of use sympathize with the institution she was representing, an institution that support education but often received critics from many parties. The atmosphere changed to be serious, too, making us felt concerned and wondering about the outcome and future of the institution.

As last month we traveled around this world, this November, to honor the day of Heroes, we will travel and learn about the culture of Indonesia. We started the month with discussing about Bali.

Ariel, our TOM, taught us many interesting facts about Bali. For example, how houses and temples face the sea or the mountain, the meaning of the offering of flowers and fruits, and the dance which the dancers must dance with their eyes closed.

We thought we knew enough of Bali, but Ariel revealed that we only know a little bit about Bali, and taught us more!

Cynthia made her debut as Table Topic Master, giving interesting questions such as:

“What if you meet a stranded little girl in Bali who told the police that you are her mother?”

“What if someone mistook you as one of the Kecak dancers and asked you to dance with them?”

“If a foreigner asked to marry you and leave Indonesia, will you do it?”

It was an excellent debut! Looking forward to see you as a TTM again, or other roles, Cynthia!

Tantia (Immediate Past President) presented the precious DCP Ribbon to Prawira.
Erwin, Tantia, and Ariel (Immediate Past Excos)

Last year, the exco of Mots did a terrific job, ensuring Motivators another DCP title. We managed to fulfill all the requirements, such as 4 new CCs, to ACs, 22 new members, and so on. Really an amazing achievement!

Family pic, free style.

Tonight we will talk about Jogja, the city where the Sultan and his family lived, the classic, legendary Jogja. Show us how much you love Indonesia by coming to Motivators tonight! You won’t regret it!


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