A Romantic Night

Last week, still in February, the month of love, we had a romantic night thanks to Christina, our TOM. She took the time to prepare paper lanterns. It’s pink and so Valentine-ish! She hung the lanters on the ceiling, giving a sweet feel to the room.

She also prepared a game. Cutting pink paper cartons to make a puzzle shaped like hearts, dividing us all in two groups. Each group must write their definition of love, then tried to solve the puzzle, forming a complete heart.
It’s not as easy as we thought, but the yellow team won against the blue team, forming the heart faster!

Yellow team won the game!!! Yay!!!

The solved heart puzzle.
Here are some of the definitions of love from our members:
1.       Love is something that is really hard to explain logically.
2.       Love is about forgiveness and acceptance.
3.       Love is unconditional, regardless if distance, age, and with no reasonable       reason behind.
4.       Love is when someone becomes your whole universe.
5.       Love is when you care for someone and growing together
6.       Love is priceless
7.       Mother – unlimited love
8.       Love is an emotion shared among individuals, passionately and selflessly.   Love – my family.
9.       Love is the fuel of my life
10.   Love is when you can’t live without her.
11.   Love is my curse, being happy and desperate at the same time
12.   Love is knowing someone care about you and you love them also.
13.   Love is kind, giving meaning to other people unconditionally.

My, my. Aren’t we all romantic, people?


For prepared speech, we had Nitesh from JTC delivering his BM6 as a contest practice, and our own Erwin delivering his Interpretive Reading Advanced Manual.

Nitesh presented the speech that made him won the club contest in JTC, titled “First Step”. Telling about him in school, wanting to enter the soccer club, chatting with his friend Nicky. Nicky signed into the soccer club, while Nitesh didn’t, because he was not confident.

Surprisingly, the next day, when the soccer club had a match, Nitesh saw Nicky at the soccer team players bench, wearing the captain’s number 7 t-shirt. He was of course shocked, because he just talked about entering the club yesterday, how come Nicky was suddenly the captain?

Nicky said, “I took the first step and enrolled. I got lucky. The captain broke his leg and now I can replace him, playing as the team member”.

Nitesh felt like he was robbed from the chance, by his own friend. But who could he blame? He was the one who didn’t dare to take the first step.

So when he saw the advertisement for a speech contest, he didn’t hesitate at all, not wanting his friend Nicky to steal his chance again. He enrolled immediately and tried the speech contest.

He was doubtless, very nervous and performed horribly. But he was satisfied that he got the courage to finally took the first step.

That made him able to stand before us all last week, delivering this very awesome and entertaining speech. He did really great. He made us clapped our hands, and he made us laughed. All because he took the first step!

Erwin, for his Interpretive Reading Advanced Manual, read a poem for us all. It’s a story about a cat, but formed into a poetry. It’s not easy reading a poem and engaged people’s interest. He managed to read it well, with intonation and feeling, making us understood the poem, and the story inside it.

It’s really something that we rarely see, so we learned from him last week. A poem can be as interesting as a drama or a humorous speech, if only you know how to read it right!

Ikhwan giving a passionate evaluation for Erwin.

Guests giving comments.

Family picture.

Mots brotherhood!

Tonight, we'll talk about "Love in Marriage Life". Most of the members are not married yet, but I think we are all open minded to prepare ourselves and to discuss about marriage. 

The TOM tonight will be Agi. And Erwin will be our TTM. 

Speeches will range from basic manual to advanced manual.

Don't miss the last Valentine-themed meeting in Motivators! Come and join us!


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