Table Topics and International Speech Contests

*confettis flying*
*a series of applause ensued*

Last week, it was our Table Topics and International Speech Contests! Yaaay!

We were lucky to get an evening free of rain, and got 63 attendees. 

A contest always means a lot, a lot. 

It's the time to see the improvements of our members since the previous contest (insert the euphoria of mentors cheering their mentees, friends pushing each other to join the contest, and the classic nervousness before the one minute of silence is up). It's the time to listen, and to listen well. And least but not least, it's when we get to meet those Visiting Toastmasters from other clubs under our own roof. 

All contestants posing after the contest with Contest Chair and President
Contest Master Elizabeth got a Move Beyond Limit pin from Madame Marketing Coordinator of Indonesia

The special agenda with the pictures of contestants

The Contest Master was Elizabeth or Ebeth who had rehearsed seriously before the contest, therefore she performed her duty smoothly. She got a lot of praises for her debut!

The Contestants were as follows:

1. Erwin
2. Risman
3. Nesya
4. Praw
5. Trissia
6. Ratih
7. Ikhwan

The Table Topic was:

"Where will I be 365 days from now?"

All contestants managed to give their opinions in an original manner and be themselves. All answers were worth listening and made the club proud!

There were 5 contestants for International Speech Contest.

The first was Cynthia. She told a few memorable things. President Roosevelt was a drunkard and a cheater to his wife, but he led America well as President. Hitler was not a drunkard, a loyal husband, and was even a vegetarian, but he murdered millions of people. You really can't judge a person only in one point of view.

She also explained that each and everyone of us is important, as important as Queen Elizabeth
II or other famous people. We won't be here if we're NOT important.

The second speaker was Lineola. She spoke about leading people home. Because a home can change people from a nobody to be a man. Her speech was very interesting with the use of vocal variety and pauses that hypnotized the audience to hear every single word she said.

The third speaker was Erwin who told a very touching and uplifting speech about the lessons he got from his dad. About never giving up no matter what. Erwin was very easy to relate by the audience. He exuded sincerity and made us felt his experience was also our experience.

The fourth speaker was Praw, who told about overcoming laziness through the advice of his mother. He confessed that he liked to procrastinate things to the last moment since school, but decided to pull himself together and be a professional. His words in the speech were carefully planned, especially the way he managed to twist the words procrastinator and professional into "Prawcrastinator" and "Prawfessional".

The fifth speaker was Ratih, who, controversially, talked about planning an early death. When we think it's still a long time before we die, we will underrate life and postpone things, be lazy and we won't do what we must do with everything we got. The idea came during a turbulence time in an airplane, and she's been using that idea ever since. "If I die young, what would I do to reach everything I want?". It's a speech that made us shivered while listening, thinking "She's right". Her closing line was also very memorable. "Ladies and gentlemen, plan your death".


The winners for Table Topics Contest were:

1. Praw
2. Erwin
3. Nesya

And the winners for International Speech Contest were:

1. Praw
2. Erwin
3. Lineola

Praw and Erwin will both advance to the Area J3 Contest on 25 March. Let's support them together!


The contest was made fabulous by:

Contest Chair Arya who worked very hard to prepare the contest and rehearse his script very well

Contest Master Elizabeth who gave a great performance

Timers: Raisa JTC and Winda Essentials

SAA: Bambang Mots and Akbar JTC

Tally Counters: Silvia British TMC, Reza JTC and Rizky Mots

Food and Beverages: Ratih Mots

Registration and Documentation: Imam Mots

General Affairs: Mega Mots

Thank you all for your help, you made it an unforgettable contest.

The event also will not be possible without our venue sponsor: Mr Thomas Sugiarto, the CEO of EnTRpreneur$.


This is February, the month of love. So our meeting tonight will be about ideal partners. Let's have a romantic night together at Motivators tonight!


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