What Will Be Your Legacy?

What will you give to the next generation as a legacy? You’re here for a reason, therefore think of what you can give to humanity and the next generation. Such was the theme of our meeting last Wednesday. Erwin the GE It was a delightful meeting in several ways. We had Bambang back as the Toastmasters of the Meeting, who has been absent for several months and is surely missed. Lia was the Table Topic Master, and the topics were mostly quotes that made us think more critically. "I paid no mind!" said Edwina. Edwina, who recently joined the Humorous Speech Contest, delivered her BM3. First, she narrated about the famous Last Samurai Movie, which was well known by the audience. In the movie, the character Nathan Algren lost in a samurai practice because, as Nobutada said, he had “too many mind”. To win, he had to be “no mind” (note: grammatically wrong as quoted from the movie, spoken brokenly by a Japanese who knew only little...