Turn Back Jokes!
Last week, Jakarta Motivators Toastmasters Club meeting
theme was “Turn Back Jokes”. It was really a special meeting.
The Toastmasters of the meeting was our SAA, TM Yoga, and
the Table Topics Master was Club President Erwin. He asked questions related
about jokes.
Next, Lia delivered a redo of her BM7, titled “Get Slimmer
by Eating”. She is always interested in searching diet tips that fit her. And
the tips that she found is so fun, because it doesn’t ask you to reduce eating,
but to eat more.
Based on the researches by Tokyo University and New York
University, there are some food that if you eat more, it will help you burn
more calories and fat, and lose weight. First, it’s water. Plain water, not ice
water. The more you drink water, the more weight you will lose.
Next, there are
staple food substitutes, black beans and oats. Exchange your rice with beans or
oats a few times a week, and you will lose weight, because they have less sugar
in every portion.
Then there are vegetables. Lettuce, cabbage, and radish can
prevent cancer. You can have it in salad, but use vinegar or olive oil instead
of mayonnaise.
Lastly, have some grapefruit. It’s really good to lose
weight, prevent cancer and good antioxidant.
Have more water, black beans, oats, lettuce, cabbage, radish
and grapefruit. You’ll lose weight.
Next is Arya’s Advanced Manual of Interpretive Reading. His
speech was about Bloody Mary. His speeches are always full of surprises. We
thought he would talk about night life, since Bloody Mary is the name of
beverage. And then we thought he was going to tell a horror story. But
apparently, it’s a story about having to see beyond what you see, not judging
because of what meets the eyes only.
A girl named Mary was bleeding, and a man scolded her
harshly for being a hindrance, without seeing that she’s bleeding. That’s why,
we need to try to understand, instead of only judging.
Next we had drilling sessions for the area contest.
Ratih and Arya, who won for the table topic at our club
contest, practiced with Erwin as the Acting Contest Master.
Nitesh came all the way from Jakarta Toastmasters Club to
practice delivering his speech for his Area Contest.
Afterwards, those who were present gave their feedbacks to Ratih, Arya and Nitesh’s performance. It’s really a great way to help the contestants to get good advise, and for the members to learn by watching their performances.
The last event for the night was Fathia’s stand up comedy. Her jokes were hilarious yet intelligent, and we laughed out loud all through her performance. She joked about how Indonesian celebrities loved to change their names to sound western. She also joked about single, married and divorced status. She delivered one of her most famous lines:
“Single people, you should be proud, you’re the fastest growing population lately!”
She really entertained us a lot, and we finished the meeting with smiles on our faces.
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Our meeting tonight will be themed “Keep Calm and Get a Scholarship”. The eduspeaker would be TM Dadang Risman Sunandar, Area J4 champion for International speech, and a scholarship winner for his bachelor and master degree. He will give tips and tricks on how to go through the process and winning the scholarship.
Interested with the theme? Do you want to get a scholarship too?
Would you like to watch Basic Manual or Advanced Manual Speeches?
Or would you like to just relax while sharpening your communication skills after office hours?
Then Jakarta Motivators Toastmasters Club is the right place to be tonight!
Edufee is only IDR 25k, dinner included.
Don’t miss it! See you tonight!
Bonus: Mots Family attending Area J2 and J4 contests with Toastmasters friends from Plaza Mandiri, Innovators, British, SCBD Clubs and etc.
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