Recap Meeting July 21st. 2021: Reminisce Childhood Memories


"The best way to make children good is to make them happy"
- Oscar Wilde-

What do your childhood memories bring in remembrance? Do they remind you of certain stage in life? Let's reminisce those childhood memories with us!

This is the second regular online meeting with the new executive committees. This meeting was opened with PlayStation 1 startup sound as accompaniment of prolog from club president. What a way to reminisce childhood memories!

After prolog and introduction, we moved into a special agenda: New Member Installation. At this moment, we installed TM Sandra Clarisa as our new member. Later in this meeting, she would also deliver her ice breaker speech.

After this installation, the control was handed over to Toastmasters of the Meeting (TOM), TM Redika. She explained the meeting theme and WoD. Afer that, roletakers introduced themselves, starting from General Evaluator (GE), TM Qaiyum.

In this meeting, there were 2 members delivering their projects. The first one was TM Sandra, she delivered her ice breaker speech (the very first prepared speech for any Toastmasters member, to tell about herself and learn basic speech structure). Her speech was titled "LUFREDNOW". The second speaker, TM Nanda, led the table topic session as her assignment in Active Listening Project. Curious about LUFREDNOW or how cheerful was our table topics? You can watch our recorded meeting on YouTube by clicking this link

So, what happened in our table topic session? TM Nanda as the Table Topic Master (TTM) opened this topic with Sailor Moon as her visual background. She also encouraged attendees to change their visual background to light up our childhood memories.

The topics covered wide aspects of 90's kids childhood. TM Nanda offered 8 available topics with each clue, including some TV shows (Power Rangers, Mickey Mouse, Doraemon, and Goosebumps) and gadgets (walkman, tamagochi, cassette, e-dictionary). The exact topic would be revealed after the speaker choose the clue.

The 8 slots were filled. There were 5 Toastmasters members (Redika, Astri, Wira, Syauqi, and Sandra), 2 guests (Ellen and Yusuf), and a legendary member (Praw) who participated as Table Topic Speakers. As the TTM, Nanda leveraged the atmosphere to be more cheerful and comfortable. The speakers reactivated their childhood memories in a fun way! In the end of table topic session, TM Ety reported the time spent for every speaker. Glad to know that all speakers were qualified to be voted, because no one was overtime. DTM Allen (Immediate Past District 87 Director) led the voting session.

To grow our public speaking skills, we need reliable feedbacks from others. That is why we have evaluation session in toastmasters meeting. TM Melanie evaluated TM Sandra. She identified key strengths of TM Sandra: key message spoke loud enough, the speech caught attention, and her expressions aligned well. TM Hans evaluated TM Nanda. He identified that TM Nanda had the ability to drive the situation, relate to speaker's experience, and understand the topic deeply.

Beside prepared speakers, the meetings and some aspects were also evaluated. TM Astri as grammarian delivered her report which identify grammatical erros (and suggestions to correct them) and beautiful quotes. TM Ardita as Ah-WoD counter identified how many of filler words and word-of-the-day said by every speaker. Both of them used screen sharing feature to visualize the report. TM Qaiyum, as General Evaluator, concluded the evaluation of the whole meeting.

Here came the awarding session! DTM Allen revealed the winner for Table Topic Speaker and Evaluator. Congrats to Legendary TM Praw who won the Favorite Table Topic Speaker for 2 consecutive meetings! And also to TM Melanie who won the Favorite Evaluator! Their certificates were sent in the chat box, available for them to download.

After that, we had announcements from Visiting Toastmasters from various clubs. After that, some of guests introduced themselves in this meeting: Andre Polin, Eileen Leizel, and Ellen Wang. Thank you for your courage and visit! We hope you enjoy and gain insights.

So, when is our next meeting? We conduct meeting on 1st, 3rd, and 5th Wednesday of every month. It means, our next meeting will be held on August 4th, 2021. You can contact our VP Public Relation Nur for more information or click in here to get the invitation. See you!

Want to watch our excitements in this meeting? You can watch it on our YouTube Channel Jakarta Motivator Toastmasters and don't forget to subscribe!


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