Green Lifestyle

Rain? Traffic jam? What are those petty hindrances for Motivators?


To prove that we won’t be defeated by those two public enemies, we enjoyed our meeting immensely last Wednesday!

The theme is “Green Lifestyle”, as the last of our June’s “Loving the Environment” theme.

Our Toastmaster of The Meeting was Agi, who colored the night with his witty and interesting comments. The table topic was joined by Christian, Lineola, Ikuyo, Erwin, and Ikhwan, stating their opinions about various subjects, ranging from organic food to the recent haze in Sumatra that causing effects on Singapore 
and Malaysia.

We had five interesting speakers too!

Ayu from Essentials delivered her BM1, telling a story about herself. Ayu wants to be “just Ayu”. The one and only. She told about her dream of being a manager two years after she starts working. And guess what? She made it! Her strategy of reaching her dreams is to share it to the people she knew. That way, people will always ask about her progress, plus she’ll get encouragement too! A splendid tips, I must say.

Ikhwan delivered his BM5, telling his opinion about the benefits of dancing and his concern about how younger Indonesians know well about foreign dances (gangnam style, western dances, and etc), but barely able to tell anything about Indonesia’s traditional dance. He believed it’s something that must be changed and that the traditional dances must be preserved.

Christian from Metropolitan delivered his AM10 at Motivators! His speech was about how to make a great and impressive speech. He gave us an acronym, “TACTIC”.

T is for Title. You must make an interesting title. Don’t tell everything you want to say in the title but rather build people’s curiosity with it.

A is for Association. You need to know your audience. How can you grasp the audience’s interest if they can’t relate to what they hear?

C is for Credibility. Tell something that you truly understand. If you’re not someone who works in Finance but you deliver a speech about finance, the bigger chance is, people won’t be interested, because they would assume that you are not credible to say it.

Another T is for Touch. You must aim to touch your audience’s heart. There’s a saying that “People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care”.

I is for Ingenuity (Christian thought of using “Originality”, but then decided against it because it will be tac-toc or tektok instead of tactic). Of course, to be able to get attention at all, your speech must be genuine or original. Make it yourself instead of copying others. The last thing you’ll want is for people to think “Ah, I’ve heard this before!”

And the last C is Closure. The ending or closing of your speech is the most important. It’s where you should make an impression, or motivate others to do something and you’ll also want to be unforgettable at this point. Christian advised to “Be bombastic!”. Personally, he liked to end his speeches with quotes, but it’s not compulsory. A unique statement could also be bombastic.

There you go, tips from Christian to make an impressive speech.

TACTIC. Title, Association, Credibility, Touch, Ingenuity, and Closure.

Moving on, we got Kelvin with a topic he’s super passionate about, “Saving the Environment”. He gave tips to follow. One, mind your reading materials. Read e-books instead of paperbacks. Buy original vendor e-books, there are lots of advantages. Two, don’t use excessively. For example, if you eat in a fast food 
restaurant and given several sauce sachets but you don’t finish all of it, give those back to the counter. The restaurants waiters and staff will be grateful and give you better service.

Last but not least, he said to “Nag your friends”. For instance, say after eating lunch, you see your friend taking three plies of tissues. Tell him to only use one, take the rest and give it to your other friends. This way, you’ll use less tissues.

These tips of reading e-books, avoid using excessively, and nagging our friends, are obviously doable, so let’s implement it, shall we? Why not? Besides, don’t you feel challenged by Kelvin’s closure,

“This is my action!!! What’s yours?”.

Our fifth speaker was Tia Maria, who gave her story about her one year being a VPE for Motivators. She said VPE have different roles. Personal assistant, because VPE knows your schedule. A therapist also, because VPE will listen about your problems and  why you’re in a bad mood. Various actions and strategies have been implied by her for one year, and it taught her a lot, plus gave her much satisfaction.

She motivated the new excos to continue sharing energy, also don’t hesitate in delivering speeches and taking roles, because we are all on our way to be excellent communicators and leaders, through Toastmasters.

The new ACBs: Kelvin, Tia Maria, and Christian

It was an unbelievable night in Motivators. We witnessed three speakers becoming Advanced Communicator Bronze (ACB). They are Christian, Kelvin, and Tia Maria. We were so overjoyed we decided not only to give them a standing ovation, but also stood in line to shake hands with them one by one. Three ACB’s in a night!!! Would you believe it?

The evaluation session then rolled with precious reviews and improvement suggestions for all the five speakers given by Lineola, Lia, Kelvin, Christian, and Erwin. A very good chance to practice for the evaluation contest, right?

Tia Maria saying her farewell speech.
An example of a disbelieving expression from A Motivators Member upon hearing the news that Tia Maria is moving to Singapore.

The festive mood turned to be a little sad though, afterwards. Our lovely Tia Maria announced that she would move to Singapore for at least two years, since she landed a new, better job. Awww, Tia, we will all miss you so bad TT_____TT . We’ll miss your patience and persistence as VPE, your friendship, and your love to Motivators.

But she promised to always be a Motivators and also to join Toastmasters in SG to continue her journey in the organization. Bonus, she treated Motivators for group movie date last Friday. Were you one of the lucky group?


All attendants taking pictures together. At the back, from left to right:  Christian, Tia Maria, Lineola,  Kelvin, and Agi.
At the front, from left to right: Ikhwan, Ikuyo, Christina, Lia, Muqsith, Ayu, Shodiq, and Iyok.

All in all, it was a great meeting where we learned a lot, had fun, and renew our spirit and energy. What more can you ask for? Do join us this Wednesday!

 Written by Inazyelia for Motivators.


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