The Unsung Heroes

The last theme of our Independence Day month was “Unsung Heroes”, in which we remembered all those people that gave a precious gift to our country and all of us without being recognized for their contribution.

Ariel did an excellent job as the Table Topic Master, especially presenting slides that took us back to 1998 and beyond. She showed pictures about the chaotic reformation era, the Bali bombing, the devastating tsunami disaster, and many more incidents. She made us realized how lucky we are now. That Indonesia is more democratic and better than it used to.

Ariel, Table Topic Master Extra Ordinaire.
New Papa, Rizko, on his Table Topic Speech.
She asked seven people: Kelvin, Iyok, Praw, Rizko, Ilham, Ayu and Christina, about the heroes in their lives, those who they think should be labeled as a hero but not many recognized, and what’s the most heroic thing they’ve ever done in life, and several other questions that really brought us to feel on a “heroic” mood.

It was a very interesting table topic session, thanks to Ariel.

Ilham delivered his very first BM1, introducing about himself and trying to break the ice. The syndrome of 
“I’ve rehearsed but forget everything” attacked him, reminding us of that scary first time standing in front and delivering our first speech. We all went through that, and that’s why we understand Ilham’s feelings, eager to see him improving within the Toastmasters (Motivators) family. Still, he was brave enough to present his speech, and that alone deserved approach from everyone in the room.

Cynthia redid her BM1, trying to be smoother in delivering the speech. And she did it! Her words came freer, clearer, and with more conviction. We know now that she is very musical. She learned piano and teaches students, she is taking a singing course, and she’s one of the choir members in her church. Amazing isn’t it, how you can know someone so much better and feel that she’s a part of your friendship circle just because you listened to her BM1?

The Tantia Show
Tantia transformed into a talkshow host of “The Tantia Show”, rivaling “The Iyok Show” that invited a supermodel last week. To be different, she invited a teacher this time, Lia, and interviewed her about her views of education, her reasons to choose teaching as a profession, and sharing her hopes for Indonesian’s children for the future. It’s not easy to interview someone, you have to empathize, make your source feel comfortable, yet still be interesting enough to be watched by your viewers. And Tantia managed to achieve all of that splendidly!

Kelvin delivering his educational speech about mentoring, CC, and CL.

Kelvin delivered a very informative educational speech about mentoring, urging all members to mentor the newer members, also explaining more about CC and CL. Those who needs a mentor can choose who you want then inform it to Kelvin. Or vice versa, if you want to be a mentor and looking for a mentee, you can also contact Kelvin. 

Rizko and Iyok got the same vote as the Best Table Topic Speakers, Cynthia got voted as the Best Speaker, and Patsy won as the Best Evaluator for her insightful evaluation on Tantia.

Proper style.

Free Style.
Tonight's Invitation
 Our new theme for September is "Childhood Memories", where we'll try to remember the best of our childhood, learn what it taught us, then preserve the spirit day by day. 

Check out the list of speakers and role takers tonight:

TOM: Lia 
TTM: Iyok
GE:    Patsy
Grammarian: Rizko
Ah Counter: Ilham
Ballot Counter: Christina
Timer: Cynthia


Kelvin (AM1): The Pursuit of Happiness
Erwin (AM10): I C U
Iwan (redoing BM2): Value Behind Reunion
Ayu (BM3)

Evaluators who booked slots:

Agi, Lia, Tantia.

Don't miss out on tonight's meeting!!! You'll regret it!!!


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