Exotic Arabia

Arabia is exotic and blooming as one of the powerful centers of the world. Last week, Motivators traveled to Arabia by discussing it as our theme.

We learned a lot of informative yet interesting things about the countries. For example, there is no settled address in Dubai, so it’s hard for expedition companies to deliver packages. “Beside the convenient store, two houses from the farthest left”, and drawing a map. That’s how people direct someone to their house and give the address to the expedition company. Imagine how many times people get lost to reach a destination there!

Zilva, the area governor of J3, lived in Morocco for a year. The most interesting is men there had to greet each other by putting their cheeks together, at least thrice left and right. It’s uncommon to see men doing that to each other, right? So it’s an amusing yet fascinating culture.

The first speech was from Cynthia, who delivered her BM2, telling about ways to learn in life. An experience of seeing her friend complaining about the different price in a supermarket inspired her to be braver and fight for her own right. She also learned from people around her and got inspired, like for example, from people in Toasmasters Motivators (awwww. Isn’t she sweet?). We applaud Cynthia for continuing to be courageous and delivering her speech. More, please!

Afdal, the Immediate Past President of BOA delivered a speech about getting back up after a disappointment. He redid his BM3, telling us about how he felt devastated after not winning his club contest on early 2012, and finally finding his motivation to do his best again.

Ikuyo delivered her AM as a radio show, becoming the guest of Erwin’s radio talk show and explained about her company’s mission to help save the environment, especially about managing waste. She urged us all to separate organic and inorganic waste, even at home.

The speech format of a talk show is always interesting, because you can see two people talking about one topic, and the audience will be asked to give a question, while the speaker answers. It’s interactive and makes us feel really connected to the speaker. Well done, Ikuyo-san!

The table topic master was Lia, and she invited Boy (from Phoenix Medan Toastmasters Club), Cynthia, Afdal (BOA), Sellie (Sandoz), Erwin, Zilva (Essentials), and Sukardi.

Examples of the questions were:

“You’re stuck at the sahara and see a fata morgana. What do you see?”

“Someone matchmake you with a girl. She wore a veil. What happens in your first meeting?”


“You found the magic lamp after Aladdin threw it away, and the genie said your three wishes will be fulfilled. What are those?”

The night was really fun, because beside the members and guests, four area governors came, and they were all super excited on every Toastmasters meetings, including at Motivators. They lighted up our exotic Arabian night!

The winners for the night were:

Sellie and Erwin for Best Table Topic Speakers

Cynthia and Afdal for Best Prepared Speeches

And Zilva for Best Evaluator

We’ll travel to Thailand in our meeting tonight! Don’t miss it!


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