Favorite Cartoon and Contest Preparation

Motivators said goodbye to September by talking about our favorite cartoons, in the last night for “Childhood Memories” theme.

The names of Sailor Moon, Doraemon, Dragon Ball, Power Puff Girls, and Crayon Shinchan were mentioned as the best of the best at the beginning of the meeting. We had an awesome childhood, didn’t we?

Debbie had her debut as a Table Topic Master by asking questions about childhood, inviting Ikhwan, Arina, Shashank, Linda, and Yoga to the stage.

Rizko delivering his BM5.
Rizko gave a very touching BM5 about the moment when his baby was born. There were lots of things to care about in pregnancy. What her wife could eat and not, surviving the nauseous period, and all the other physical and emotional challenge. When he waited while his wife gave birth, the expression of excruciating pain made him felt: “A mother’s sacrifice is really unbelievable”. His wife gripped the edges of the bed so hard. He couldn’t even imagine the real pain she was going through.

And of course, after the baby was born healthily, the battle of waking up at nights, being sleep deprived while learning to be a good parent began. There are so many things we often forgot. Including the crucial meaning of our parents in our lives. Rizko reminded that as we are all healthy, well-fed and have grown up, it meant our parents took really good care of us. Do make time for them. Either to spend time together or to phone them if you live separately with them. Because hey, they love us so much. It’s the least we can do for them.

Ikhwan delivered his BM10, motivating people to preserve the Indonesian culture. The traditional dance, songs, and language. Because if we don’t love our own culture, who will? Are we going to let it fades away as time went by? Surely not. So do love Indonesian culture, even teach your children in the future to be able to dance at least one traditional dance, sing one traditional songs, and if you could teach them Sundanese, Javanese, or Padangese, it would be even better.

Ikhwan, CC looked emotional receiving his certificate.
BM10 means in a new Competent Communicator in da house, people! Let’s give a round of applause for Ikhwan, CC! *insert enthusiastic clapping sounds*

"I was planning to escape....."
Kelvin shared his experience meditating in Cisarua for 10 days. He went for some peace of mind, but the first few days made him wanted to run away. Meditating on the floor for 12 hours a day could feel so exhausting plus frustrating. He couldn’t take it so much until he plotted to escape with another person. Thankfully, he changed his mind and managed to finish until the last day. Perseverance in following the meditation routine taught him to be more patient, clear minded, and emotionally stable. Say yay for not running away!!!

The winners for the night were:

Shashank: The Best Table Topic Speaker.

Best Prepared Speaker: Rizko

Best Evaluators: Ikuyo & Ariel

Last Wednesday was also the last preparation meeting for the J2 Area Contest.

Erwin, who will represent Motivators, delivered his humorous speech and was evaluated by Kelvin (who will represent us for Evaluation Contest), Rizko (who will represent us in case Kelvin couldn’t do it), and Claudia from SCBD who represented her club on 28 September.

The legendary “evaluated by all” was very necessary for them. Input and feedbacks from members gave them the information of what to improve for their performance.

We’re all excited to attend the J2 Area Contest tonight, a joint contest by Motivators, Innovators, City Hall, and Life Toastmasters club. Representatives from each club will compete in both the Evaluation and Humorous Contest. A new champion from Area J2 will be crowned. Be sure you won’t miss this mega important event!

I’ll see you all tonight ^______^


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