Memorable Jogjakarta and District 87 Semi Annual Convention

We appreciated Jogjakarta as our theme last week at Toastmasters Motivators. The city is famous for its preserved tradition and the Kesultanan Jogja. Erwin showed us some insightful pictures about the city, telling us random trivia such as it would be better to negotiate in Javanese accent when you’re trying to buy something in Malioboro. It’s guaranteed that you will get a cheaper price. To honor the city, Erwin led his TOM sessions with a hilarious Javanese accent, sending us laughing whenever we hear it because he spoke it like those comedians in Opera van Java.

Erwin as TOM.

Ikuyo explaining about organic and non organic garbage.
The first prepared speaker was Ikuyo, delivering a speech about dividing garbage from the organic, non-organic, hazardous, and recyclable. What’s amazing is that Ikuyo brought so many props to support her speech. Those were: two garbage bins, lettuce, peeled orange skin, a handful of batteries, old newspaper, used plastic bottles, plastic bags, and etc. We were all shocked as she retrieved things after things. She really brought all the needed examples to show the audience which garbage was organic or not. Kudos for the dedication!

Agi delivering his BM5.
Agi delivered his BM5 last week, asking us to dig deep into ourselves to remember the dreams we wanted to achieve when we were younger. As we grow older, those dreams were forgotten one by one. But we shouldn’t. We should wake up from our routine and try to achieve those dreams. It will never be too late. There will always be a way. And in achieving our dreams, we will reach complete happiness. What was your dream when you were younger? Have you achieved it or not?

Kelvin delivered his first project in storytelling manual, describing the story of Thich Quang Duc, a Buddhist monk in Vietnam who performed self-emolition in 1963. He burned himself to death in order to have the freedom of following Buddhist religion in Vietnam, which was then suppressed by the Catholic President Diem.

It was a shocking event that year, making the international world reacted strongly to ask more justice is served in Vietnam. Thich Quang Duc has reached an advanced level of self-control in meditation, and he didn’t make any sound as he was burned. The crowd was sobbing watching him, but he remained in his lotus position until he turned to be as black as coal and lived no more.

The picture above won a Pulitzer prize for the journalist Malcolm Browne who was on the scene and took it, while President JFK said, "No news picture in history has generated so much emotion around the world as that one."

There might be other ways to fight a cause rather than torturing yourself to death like what Quang Duc did. But the situation for Buddhist followers in Vietnam was horrible that time, so he chose that option to try stopping the injustice. And his sacrifice was definitely not a waste. President Diem was defeated in a coup a few months later, and the freedom of choosing religion without any oppression was achieved in Vietnam.

It was truly a moving speech by Kelvin.

Christina as TTM.
The Table Topic Master was Christina, who had her first debut in that role! She asked many interesting questions related to Javanese accent and Jogjakarta’s culture.

The winner for the night was Erwin: Best Table Topic Speaker

Some cute pictures from last week:

Last week, from 15-17 November in Medan, the Humorous Speech and Evaluation contest of District 87 was held, including the Semi Annual Convention. It's a huge meet up for the District, with so many things learned gained. Here are some pictures:

Last period, Toastmasters Motivators gained President's Distinguished Achievement, the highest achievement a club can get. It was awarded by Madam Datin Grace (District Governor) to Tantia (Immediate Past President of Mots), Ariel (Immediate Past VPM), and Madam Lineola (Past J2 Area Governor).

Look how gorgeous our three divas were at the Medan Convention! We heart you, Ladies!

The champions of Division I and J didn't go home empty handed. From left to right: Amman van BOA (Third Winner of Humorous Speech), Neeraj van City Hall and JTC (Second Winner), Kevin Simmons van Kebayoran TMC (First winner for Evaluation Contest), and Paul Tan van Excellence (Second Winner for Evaluation Contest).


What’s Hot on Tonight’s 
Motivators Meeting
The Marvelous Medan

1.  The Table Topic
Let's explore the Magnificence of Medan with creative Topic

2.The Speech
Combination of Basic Manual and Advanced Manual that should not be missed

3.Highlight from Medan
Special Guest will give highlight from District 87 Toastmasters Medan Convention

Join us to and Break The Limits!!!
Mayapada Tower 17th FlJl. Sudirman Kav.28, 6-9pm
RSVP: Ikhwan 083815132155


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