Memorable Medan

Last week in Toastmasters Motivators, we journeyed around Medan. Our excellent Table Topic, Ariel, who was born in Medan, told us many interesting things about Medan. Like the “sudako”, durian, Danau Toba, and how direct people are in Medan. Everyone speak loudly and honestly in the now urban but also scenic city, where food is delicious and addictive. That’s how Medan is!

Ariel invited Sai, Natalia, Ikhwan, and Hendri for the table topic session.

Christina delivering her speech about chocolate.

Christina delivered her BM3, delivering her speech titled “The Sweet Side of Chocolate”. She showed us a chart about which areas in Indonesia are the biggest consumers of chocolate. Chocolate is used as the most favorite ingredients in many kinds of food and snacks. Chocolate also can reduce stress and even healthy! So if you avoid chocolate to stay slim, think again! Chocolate has its sweet a.k.a positive sides, if consumed in moderate amount.

This makes you think all your chocolate cravings in the past had a meaning after all, right?

Iwan delivered his speech about Coca Cola vs Root Beer

Moving on, we had Iwan, who delivered his BM7 about Coca Cola vs. Root Beer. Coca Cola was apparently first made as the antidote of cocaine addiction. While Root Beer was made to be drunk on festive celebrations that could be consumed by anyone of all age, and the ingredients was purely natural. So which one is healthier? Coca Cola or Root Beer? Research proved that Root Beer is healthier!

What’s special about Iwan’s speech? He did a thorough research, and the topic is close to us all. I mean, who doesn’t drink Coca Cola or Root Beer, right? And Iwan also made us feel all this soda festivity because he brought cans of Coca Cola and Root Beer, giving it to all of us. It’s like a birthday party! He even gave it directly to those who answered his questions!

Iwan, is there any chance that you might compare which one is better, ice cream or pudding? Because I’m looking forward to the samples you’ll bring, haha!

Our last speaker last week was Tantia, who gave a thoroughly cool speech about how to make your slides presentation more awesome. Use more interesting fonts, colors, and pictures! She delivered with such flourish and ease, even sexily, like an expert! How come talking about making slides can be sexy? Because she’s our Tantia! She made “making slides” turned to be something fun and challenging! If you make it the right way, of course.

Tantia giving DCP Award to Prawsident.

Even more amazing, was the sharing session about the Medan Convention. On 15-17 November 2013, the district convention was held. It’s the event where Toastmasters from Indonesia, Brunei, and Malaysia met, discussing about the district’s Toastmasters and as the final of the Evaluation and Humorous Speech Contest.

There were many memorable things from the convention, but all of the attendees talked about the speech of Dana Lamon, who delivered a speech about asking people why they joined Toastmasters, and why they should still stay with the same energy like they first joined. Always aim for something that you want to improve, in Toastmasters. Let the F.L.A.M.E forever burns!

Dana Lamon is unable to see. He is blind since he was four years old. But his ability to seize the audiences’ attention won against everyone else who could see. They said just looking at Dana Lamon was an incredible experience, moreover combined with his speech that re-energize everyone’s spirit in Toastmasters. 

Truly a speech that won’t be forgotten for a lifetime.

Last but not least,

What could be better than listening to the personal story of one of the champions? Amman, the second runner up for Humorous Speech, also the President of BOA TMC, shared to us his experience during the contest.

He said, he actually didn’t intend to contest this year, since he was already a president at BOA. But he joined just to fill the contestant number. And it was a shock when he won the club contest! Everyone in his club gave support, so he tried his best at the area contest, practicing a lot. It was also a surprise for Amman because he won the area contest. That was when he finally found a mentor, Rudyanto from Innovator who was the District Humorous Speech Champion.

Since then, everyone gave him support. From his club, area, and even from outside his area. His area governor often called him to support and remind him to practice. It’s the support from everyone that made him trained harder.

He won the division contest for Division I, and went to Medan, competing in the District Contest.

The feel of “Together as One” was so visible when they practiced in Medan. Many of the Toastmasters members in Jakarta supported him. He practiced with Neeraj (Division J champion) for hours, not even seeing how the city of Medan was. The evaluation contest champions, Paul Tan and Kevin Simmons, helped watching them practice and evaluated them. Many others gave them input and support.

In the end, Amman got second runner up. It’s a high achievement to get for someone who is contesting for the first time, and competing against many other contestants from three countries.
For me, Amman’s speech at the contest is amazing because of its simplicity. It’s about a person going for a race to have a special picture to show in his facebook’s profile. He’s actually not anyone sporty and got tired easily, but on the way, seeing cute girls in pink t-shirt and chatting with his friend, he finally finished the race. The message was: you can start something without any motivation. You’ll find the motivation along the way.

His body language and vocal variety plus expression were hilarious. The story is simple, and he appeared as an ordinary guy next door. He’s just someone with ordinary English skills and not a grammar genius, but all the audience laughed out loud listening to his story. I think it’s because he did it with sincerity, enjoying his moment giving the speech, and practiced a lot.

Personally, Amman’s win is an eye opener for me.

We don’t have to speak with perfect grammar and no eloquent words are needed. We only need to deliver sincerely, enjoying every moment, and try to use the support given to us as a positive energy. Amman’s win is very inspiring. Makes me think anyone can win in Toastmaster’s contest, if they practice a lot and do their best.

Thank you, Amman, for sharing your story. Congratulations! You deserve to be the champion!

The winner of the Table Topic was Hendri, and Tantia for Prepared speech.

Picture Gallery

The guests: Hendri, Andreas, and Techa.

Amman, the second runner up of Distric Contest with Tantia and Sai.

Diana from JTC, evaluating Tantia.

Tonight, we will travel to Padang! Don’t miss it!

There will also be an educational speech from Benazir Syahril from JTC about body language.


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