Hey there, 2014!

Our first meeting in 2014 last week was filled with intense sharing sessions!!!

It began with Table Topic session by Lia, taking the audience to look back into what’s best and worst of 2013 for them, also to think what they want to achieve in 2014.

Next, we had Ikuyo-san who gave and edu-speech about Table Topic session.

She said,

We must listen well (from the question), grab the keywords, and make a story from the keywords, that has an opening, body, and conclusion.

Table topic allows us to practice quick thinking.

When asked to choose between two options, or being asked “Which one do you prefer.....”, it is highly recommended to choose something that is different from the general opinion. By choosing a side that is controversial, you have more chance to develop more in your answer, practice your ability in explaining more, and also catch the audience’s attention.

Ikuyo also gave us a chance to practice, using the game she often uses to exercise her own quick thinking (she confessed she felt she is lacking in impromptu speeches skills). She asked the audience to choose 
random four words, then to make a story with those words, as fast as we could.

It’s interesting and in my own opinion, very effective in practicing quick thinking!

Amazing edu-speech by Ikuyo-san! Especially in this contest season. She deserved all the applause she got last week!

Next, we gave the chance for our members to speak up in an impromptu speech session.

Which, like I said in the beginning, turned into an intense sharing session. There were a  lot of speeches, and I’ll share three of them with you,

Praw told us about his conflict before resigning his job and accepting a new one. He seek the feeling of getting appreciated, as we all do, in his job. He didn’t get it in his previous one, but he said he received it in his current job. He was also grateful to decide to resign at the end of the year, which meant a week off at the very last days of 2013. He always worked without pause since he graduated, so the vacation did him good. Refreshed his mind and positivity. He joined his campus marching band, helping his almamater in the competition and became happier.

Sometimes in life we must take a detour and take time for ourselves....in order to turn out with higher spirit and energy. Well done, Praw!

Agi also told us about a curious experience that happened just when he was about to eat his delicious KFC chickens. An older woman who couldn’t stop telling him about his unhappy marriage. Agi didn’t have the heart to refuse listening to her, but ending up starving, haha. The lady also asked him for money through sms a few weeks later......

The only lesson I could get from Agi’s speech was.....it’s alright to say “no” when it’s necessary. Always saying “yes” but troubling our own selves without any benefit, is not good. Losing time and being troubled by someone can be avoided. Being nice is exemplary, yet in several occasions, there will be people who would only use us for their own selfish needs. Avoiding that is a must!

The most shocking one is Iyok’s speech. He revealed that he had to struggle in “getting a girl”. Who would have thought, right? Iyok has always looked charming and nice to talk to. But he said he used to get rejected again and again by the girls he liked. It went on with him telling us the reason of his first dating experience (which apparently was only for the experience of having a girlfriend), and his journey in finding love.

He found out that a girl must trust the guy first. Respect her, show you’re interested without disturbing her personal space, then show her that you can take care and be loyal to her. It would take a lot of effort and time, but in the end, you’ll find your love (said the Guru Iyok. We’ll call him Guru because of this speech).

It’s very surprising because it was his most personally revealing speech so far. He used to deliver  speeches about finance, making a funny story for his BMs, or his experience as an MLM seller. But never, as personal as his love life experience before.

When you’re comfortable, you won’t mind being honest. Maybe Motivators make Iyok comfortable enough so he could be that open last week. Motivators will slowly become your best friends, and then family. A place and people you won’t doubt sharing your shameful/awesome experiences, your woes, and your happiness.

If you’re not a member yet......you’re losing a lot, seriously.


Tonight’s meeting:
1.      Table topic by Lia, using the method taught by Ikuyo-san last week
2.       Ambassador sharing and edu-speech for contest preparation by Sukardi.

Rain and traffic will always happen, my friends. But an amazing Motivators meeting will only happen once a week. I strongly suggest you NOT to miss this meeting.

PS: tonight’s menu: Opor ayam.


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