2015's Resolutions

Last week was Mots last formal meeting of 2014! We shared our impressions of 2014, and our resolutions of 2015. Toastmasters of the Meeting Bambang asked our members’ resolutions privately prior to the meeting. They want to lose weight, travel more, get more successful in career, and get married!

Rizky delivered his BM2, telling about the wishes he fulfilled and more wishes for his future. He has his own restaurant in his hometown now, has improved in his career, had a great time in his company’s workshop in Singapore, and has his own car after lots of hard work. His wishes or resolutions for the future are to have his own house and…..finding that one true love to change his status in his ID card. From “single” to “married”. We wish all the best for Rizky!

Ebeth also delivered her BM2. It’s a deep, serious, and enlightening speech about America and its treatment to color-skinned people in the past, a.k.a racism. She told the history about how the colored people there used to face so much suppression, civil rights abuse, and discrimination. God created all of us with the same amount of love, why should we treat each other differently? It’s a great speech that hypnotized us to listen carefully to every word she uttered.

Cynthia presented her BM9. She taught us that to be healthy, we don’t have to do complicated things. To gain health, we only need to do simple, easy things. For example, we need to drink enough mineral water every day. With enough water intakes, you will have brighter skin, better concentration, and more energy to face your days. You can live for days without eating, but you will die soon if you don’t drink enough water. So, if you want a better, healthier, and more energetic life, listen to Cynthia and drink more water!

Arya delivered his first Advanced Manual in Storytelling, about The Legend of The Golden Chili. It’s the contemporary version of Timun Mas fairytale. An old couple who has no child got a huge Chili from a giant, promising the giant they will return it to him. Apparently, they found a little baby girl inside the huge chili. They raised the child well and called her “Cabe”. She grew up beautifully and became a lovely girl. But when the giant came to retrieve Cabe, her parents refused for they loved her so much. Thus began the epic chase of The Giant and Cabe around town, with a backpack full of guns that Cabe carried.

But it’s a giant, and no matter how strong the guns her father gave, Cabe couldn’t fight him. After one last selfie, believing it would be her death, Cabe surrendered to the giant.

Wait, wait, wait, this won’t be a tragedy!

The giant then turned to be a handsome prince! He’s just cursed to be a scary giant. Aaand the ex-Giant and Cabe then lived happily ever after.

See, it’s great to fulfill your promises. You’ll find something good in the end, just like Arya’s story.

The final prepared speech for the night was by Silvia Novia from British Toastmasters Club who delivered her BM8. Titled “Against The Bully”, she told about her personal experience being a bullying victim and her view about the matter. Bullying against somebody is the cruelest thing a person could do. You are also a bully if you only watch and be silent. Don’t let it happen. Speak up and stop it.

The effect of bullying for the victims could last morally for somebody, long after she/he ceased to experience it. It’s time to stop this. Say NO for bullying.

It’s honestly the first BM8 that could make my eyes wet. BM8 does use visual aids. Yet it doesn’t mean we need to forget vocal variety and emotion for the audience. Silvia aced it! The best BM8 I’ve ever seen so far!


Immediate Past President Prawira gave an educational speech titled “Delegate to Empower”. Sharing his experience as Mots President last year, he urged all leaders to delegate, and not doing everything by yourselves.

“Delegate” means to entrust (a task or responsibility) to another person, typically one who is less senior than oneself.

It is, he admitted, not easy to delegate a task to someone else. Sometimes a leader wants to control everything. Or maybe he wants all the credit, and feels afraid that delegating means someone could overshadow his position. Or maybe the leader is insecure, feeling he won’t be needed anymore if his team member could do a job better than him. This reluctance will help no one. Not the leader, nor the team members.

However, delegating is necessary to have a better result. Also to give your team members enough chance to grow and improve their abilities.

A leader is not a boss, and delegating should not be a command.

How to delegate:

Set priority. Which of all the tasks that has to be completed can be delegated, and which ones you must supervise on your own.

Match the availability and the ability of the person you will delegate the task to. Is he/she capable enough for all the responsibilities? Get to know his/her skills and have trust in the person.

Give full authority regarding the task. Only if the person has authority, he/she will gain accountability. No one will trust the person if you have no trust in him/her.

Don’t forget the follow up after delegating a task. Recognize the person’s hard work and give proper praises. Give benefits also if possible. All of these will make your delegation process a success. You will help improving a person’s leadership skills, you will have less workload, and all your goals will be splendidly achieved.


Since this is Christmast Eve, Mots will have lunch together, karaoke, and watch a movie together. Bring a 15k gift wrapped in a newspaper, please. Let’s enjoy the day together!

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