Recap Meeting August 18th, 2021: Rethinking Independence Day

"Don't ever forget the history. It will make and change who we are. Independence can only be obtained and secured by a nation that has its spirit raging with determination: independence or death!" Ir. Soekarno

Happy Independence Day to Indonesia!

76th years old is mere numbers in tandem without showcasing the nation utmost tour de force; in terms of human and natural resources. It takes endurance and resilience to attain Independence in its truest essence, which resulted in greater prosperity of its citizen.

So for that, as a youth, we need together thinking what we can contribute to our country. This is the way we are rethinking Independence Day. That's the background of Jakarta Motivator Toastmasters Club's theme for the regular meeting on Wednesday, August 18th, 2021.

The President of Jakarta Motivator Toastmasters Club, TM Hansel, opened the meeting and explained what the toastmasters club was and what we would do at the meeting. Then he gave control of the meeting to TOM TM Redika.

TM Redika told us why this club chose "Rethinking Independence Day" as its theme. She also did warming up by asking some visiting toastmasters and guests about their opinions or experiences related to the theme. Then, as a TOM, she called GE, TM Melanie to introduce her rangers and explained their roles.

TM Melanie, shared her screen and who her team rangers were. Rather than called one by one, she explained her ranger's role and made an impressive presentation. It's very clear and effective!

"Okay, let's directly jump to the main part, which is Prepare Speech Session" The TOM said after GE finished her explanation.

The first speaker was TM Redika (our TOM). This was her 2nd speech on Level 5 Project 1, Motivational Strategies about Team Building.

She shared her experiences while becoming a leader for 2nd episode of Motivator Corner. By holding the event, she learned 3 lessons: how to host an event, accept member evaluation, and make a report. This project brings new insight for TM Redika to implement in her daily life when she becomes a leader, especially for connecting to people, having clear purposes, and be genuine.

Like TM Redika, the second speaker, TM Dentia from SCBD TMC, also shared her experience as a leader for her project. Her speech title is Not For Fun. It is related to her experiences building loyal members as an excos. Do you want to know her tips? You can watch her speech on our YouTube video by clicking here.

After TM Dentia, we had TM Hansel who delivered his speech on the 2nd pathways. The title was Someone When I Was Younger. It's about someone who inspired TM Hansel to be a good mentor. He told us that to become a good mentor, we don't always need to be strict, but we can help our mentees by putting our feet in their shoes.

Last but not least, we had a guest speaker TM Abhishek from GTMC, with his speech, "Age of Nutritionism." In his speech, he shared how the food industry made us believe that their products were the best for our nutrition. By the data, TM Abhishek suggested us to come back to nature as the one and only best nutrition for humans.

After hearing 4 speakers from Prepare Speech Session, TM Redika as a TOM called the Table Topic Master (TTM) TM Qaiyum to conduct the session and challenge guests or visiting members.

The first challenger is TM Syauqi. TM Qaiyum asked him how the youth can do to participate in our politic system? And what did he say? Watch on our YouTube.

Then it went one by one, from members and guests, till we have total of 6 speakers. The winner from this session is DTM Allen, who shared about collaboration. He believed being independent didn't mean stopping helping each other, but the better way was to collaborate. Wow! Such as inspiring speech!

The last session was Evaluation Session. This session was conducted by GE, TM Melanie. She called personal evaluators, DTM Harlina, TM Astri, TM Praw, and TM Heggi. Every evaluator gave their best evaluation for the speakers, including how they could improve better for their next speech or project.

The most exciting part of the Evaluation Session came from Grammarian, TM Garda who prepared a mini-lesson that he called Free English Course for all attendances. Like a teacher, he prepared a presentation and asked all attendances to answer his questions.

When TM Garda finished his mini-lesson, GE took control back and gave some notes to the club and her rangers, such as suggesting all visiting members and guests rename themselves to identify who they are.

As usual, before we close the meeting. TM Atila as Ballot Counter announced the winner for Prepare Speech, Table Topic Speaker, and Best Evaluator. We've already known the winner for the Table Topic Session, which was DTM Allen Ang. So who was the winner for Prepare Speech and Most Favoriter Evaluator?

Congratulations to TM Abhishek as The Most Favorite Speaker and TM Astri as The Most Favorite Evaluator!

So, that's the general summary of what happened when a toastmasters club tried rethinking Independence Day at the meeting. Do you want to watch what exactly happened that wasn't written on this blog? Don't worry! We already upload it on our YouTube!

Fellow motivators and distinguished guests, let's meet in our next meeting on September 1st, 2021. Don't hesitate to contact our VP Membership Melisa for more information, or click here to get the invitation. See you!

Want to watch our excitement in this meeting? You can watch it on our YouTube Channel Jakarta Motivator Toastmasters and don't forget to subscribe!


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