Recap Meeting September 1st, 2021: Self-Mastery

"No man is free who is not master of himself." - Epictetus

Do you have control of yourself?

Tonight in Jakarta Motivator Toastmasters club, we are going to discuss about self-mastery.

What is self-mastery?

We believe self-mastery is an ability to control our desire or impulsive. It will be the ultimate test to find our character.

So we hope in this meeting, for more less two hours, all motivators can try to mastery themselves and control to stay positive in tis group.

Okay, without any further do, let's start to know what happened in this meeting!

The meeting was opened by Mr. President, TM Hans. TM Hans explain what a toastmasters is and the agenda in general.

When TM Hans called our TOM, TM Melisa, there was a technical issue. But they could handle it well.

TM Hans took a role as a GE for this meeting, he introduced his team rangers such as TM Redika as a Grammarian, TM Hanny from SCBD TMC as a Ah-Counter, TM Putra from UI TMC as a Timer, and TM Melisa as a TOM & Ballot Counter.

The first round, we had Prepare Speech Session with 2 speakers, TM Redika delivered her final speech for finishing her pathway and TM Shahnaz for delivering L1P2 the 2nd speech.

For TM Redika, she shared her journey while doing each task on her pathway. She realized she could learn from each project and how she learned from every aspect in toastmasters such as when she visited every club even abroad and learned the diversity from them. For TM Redika, finishing this pathway doesn't mean her journey is over. This is a sign to start a new journey with more challenge to face it.

The 2nd speaker is TM Shahnaz from Ultimate Toastmasters. She joined our meeting to share her experience about how to implement feedbacks from a previous speech to another one, to grow and deliver a better speech. In this session her speech tittle is "Who believes in me?" Can you guest what the topic about? Please watch her performance by clicking this link.

One session is done. Unfortunately TM Redika is over time while delivering her speech, so because of that TM Shahnaz automatically became the winner for Prepare Speech Session. Congrats TM Shahnaz!

Okay, before we started Table Topic, there would be a special Educational Speech by TM Dentia from SCBD Toastmasters Club. The title is "Cultivate Your Self-Mastery."

In this Edu-Speech, TM Dentia taught us how to mastery ourselves. It was started from knowing what personal mastery is and ended by telling us why we need and how beneficial it will be when we already mastery ourselves. Are you curious? Please click this!

The second round was Table Topics Session that was led by TM Nanda. She prepared some topics that related to self-mastery from books or picture.

Some visiting toastmasters members and guests participated in this session, such as TM Wira who explained his experience according the topic "I can't make all people happy" by telling us that we are not a chocolate! He said it was impossible for us to be liked by everyone especially if we already had goals or determination of something.

Beside of TM Wira, our guests also were very excited to participate in this session. We had Soon to be Toastmasters (STM) Paxia, STM Feby and STM Gaurav Maheshwari from Algo Magnet in India!

Six speakers with six topics and only one winners. Although all the speech were awesome, but we still needed to choose the most favorite speaker. And the winner for this session is DTM Yusuf Chandra who shared his thoughts about cost of achieving the dreams. It was very inspirational if you want to know, you can watch it by clicking this link.

Before we closed the meeting, there would be evaluation session that was conducted by GE, TM Hans. For personal evaluation, DTM Harlina gave a note to TM Redika about time management. She suggested her to make her speech more effectively and not to evertime. And for TM Melanie as TM Shahnaz's evaluator, the suggestions are for her to improve on vocal variety section and to stand so we could see her body movement.

Next evaluation came from grammarian TM Redika. She made a presentation to tell us about grammatical error and beautiful phrases that she found from our speakers. Example, "No matter what you fear, just started," from DTM Herlina. What's more? Just watch our meeting video!

So, this is really the end of the meeting when TM Melisa as a ballot counter announced the winner from every session. Who are they?

They are TM Shahnaz for The Most Favorite Speaker, DTM Yusuf Chandra for The Most Favorite Table Topic Speaker, and TM Melanie for The Most Favorite Evaluator. Congratulations for you all!

That's the general summary of our meeting about Self Mastery. Want to join to our next meeting? It's easy! We'll conduct our next meeting on Sep 15th, 2021 and theme will be Literacy for a human-centred recovery.  Don't hesitate to contact our VP Membership Melisa for more information, or click here to get the invitation. See you!

Want to watch our excitement in this meeting? You can watch it on our YouTube Channel Jakarta Motivator Toastmasters and don't forget to subscribe!


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