
Recap Meeting September 1st, 2021: Self-Mastery

  "No man is free who is not master of himself." - Epictetus Do you have control of yourself? Tonight in Jakarta Motivator Toastmasters club, we are going to discuss about self-mastery. What is self-mastery? We believe self-mastery is an ability to control our desire or impulsive. It will be the ultimate test to find our character. So we hope in this meeting, for more less two hours, all motivators can try to mastery themselves and control to stay positive in tis group. Okay, without any further do, let's start to know what happened in this meeting! The meeting was opened by Mr. President, TM Hans. TM Hans explain what a toastmasters is and the agenda in general. When TM Hans called our TOM, TM Melisa, there was a technical issue. But they could handle it well. TM Hans took a role as a GE for this meeting, he introduced his team rangers such as TM Redika as a Grammarian, TM Hanny from SCBD TMC as a Ah-Counter, TM Putra from UI TMC as a Timer, and TM Melisa as a TOM & ...

Recap Meeting August 18th, 2021: Rethinking Independence Day

"Don't ever forget the history. It will make and change who we are. Independence can only be obtained and secured by a nation that has its spirit raging with determination: independence or death!" Ir. Soekarno Happy Independence Day to Indonesia! 76th years old is mere numbers in tandem without showcasing the nation utmost tour de force; in terms of human and natural resources. It takes endurance and resilience to attain Independence in its truest essence, which resulted in greater prosperity of its citizen. So for that, as a youth, we need together thinking what we can contribute to our country. This is the way we are rethinking Independence Day. That's the background of Jakarta Motivator Toastmasters Club's theme for the regular meeting on Wednesday, August 18th, 2021. The President of Jakarta Motivator Toastmasters Club, TM Hansel, opened the meeting and explained what the toastmasters club was and what we would do at the meeting. Then he gave control of the me...

Meeting Recap August 4th 2021: Gather Your Rosebuds While Ye May

"The past is a past, and the future is yet to come. That means the future is in your hands --the future entirely depends on the present. That realization, gives you a great responsibility." Dalai Lama How many times do we worry about things that we aren't sure to happen yet? Instead of focusing on doing what is necessary to build the future in the present times, we dwell on our unproductive thoughts: racing and wandering minds, unpleasant occasions and past that we can't get rid of.  J akarta Motivator Toastmasters Club held its third regular meeting this 4th of August with a face slapping theme: Gather Your Rosebuds While Ye May . The meeting was opened with insightful prolog and introduction about Toastmasters and the main agenda by the President of the Club, TM Hansel .  After a brief opening, the meeting’s control was handed over to Toastmasters of the Meeting (TOM), TM Nanda . She further explained the meeting theme and WoD in an engaging manner. The m...

Recap Meeting July 21st. 2021: Reminisce Childhood Memories

  "The best way to make children good is to make them happy" - Oscar Wilde- What do your childhood memories bring in remembrance? Do they remind you of certain stage in life? Let's reminisce those childhood memories with us! This is the second regular online meeting with the new executive committees. This meeting was opened with PlayStation 1 startup sound as accompaniment of prolog from club president. What a way to reminisce childhood memories! After prolog and introduction, we moved into a special agenda: New Member Installation. At this moment, we installed TM Sandra Clarisa as our new member. Later in this meeting, she would also deliver her ice breaker speech. After this installation, the control was handed over to Toastmasters of the Meeting (TOM), TM Redika. She explained the meeting theme and WoD. Afer that, roletakers introduced themselves, starting from General Evaluator (GE), TM Qaiyum. In this meeting, there were 2 members delivering their project...

Recap Meeting July 7th, 2021: Reignite The Spark!

"Remember why you started, remember where you’re headed, think of how great it will be to get there, and keep going." - Ralph Marston - Have you ever lost interest in something that you used to do passionately? You are sure about its importance, but you are not excited anymore. You can reignite the spark! In this first week of July 2021, Jakarta Motivator Toastmasters Club had the first regular online meeting with the new executive committees. Yeah, we tried to reignite the spark! The meeting was opened by the new president, TM Hansel. Although he had some trouble connection issues, he tried to welcome our guests and visit toastmaster members before handing it to our Toastmasters of the Meeting (TOM), TM Melisa. As a TOM, TM Melisa explained her role and introduced Madam General Evaluator TM Redika and her team. After all,   the first session, which was Prepare Speech Session was begun. For tonight, we only had one prepared speaker, TM Hans, who delivere...

Recap Meeting 19 Sep Making Peace Through Music

One of the difference between Jakarta Motivator Toastmaster (Motz) with other clubs is we have a lot of hidden talents, one of them is a Game Master. Led by TM Prawira. So in the last meeting, beside conducted the regular meeting we also had a game related to the theme. The audience should guess the title and the singer's name .  The meeting was led by one of our senior member TM Imam, evaluated by visiting TM Eric (Metropolitan TM) and supported by TM Tiknur as the TTM. There are two prepared speakers who shared the difference between American & British accent and The importance of networking, TM Agi & TM Mike respectively.

Recap Meeting 12 Sep: Be A Role Model!

One of benefits by joining Toastmaster is having a mentor who supports your development. Last Wed an Experienced Mentor TM Prawira shared an edu speech "WHAT MAKE A GOOD MENTOR". His speech related to our theme, which was Be a Role Model. The meeting was led by our first timer TOM, TM Agi, well done! Supported by TTM, TM Lies who delivered  a good topic for an impromptu speech. The meeting was evaluated by our GE, TM Bahtiar and his team. Our GE was a true baker since he roasted all the people in the meeting :D Hereby The Recap meeting of Jakarta Motivator Toastmaster. In conclusion of our meeting, we call an action to all audience to strive to be a good role model for a better Indonesia.