Recap Meeting September 1st, 2021: Self-Mastery

"No man is free who is not master of himself." - Epictetus Do you have control of yourself? Tonight in Jakarta Motivator Toastmasters club, we are going to discuss about self-mastery. What is self-mastery? We believe self-mastery is an ability to control our desire or impulsive. It will be the ultimate test to find our character. So we hope in this meeting, for more less two hours, all motivators can try to mastery themselves and control to stay positive in tis group. Okay, without any further do, let's start to know what happened in this meeting! The meeting was opened by Mr. President, TM Hans. TM Hans explain what a toastmasters is and the agenda in general. When TM Hans called our TOM, TM Melisa, there was a technical issue. But they could handle it well. TM Hans took a role as a GE for this meeting, he introduced his team rangers such as TM Redika as a Grammarian, TM Hanny from SCBD TMC as a Ah-Counter, TM Putra from UI TMC as a Timer, and TM Melisa as a TOM & ...